Monday, April 20, 2009

Lipton can help you stay sharp!

How often have you experienced that feeling of calm and focus immediately after you finish your morning cup of tea? Well, there’s a reason for it. Tea has long been hailed for its refreshing effects but only recently have scientists understood how tea actually produces these effects. The answer to that query is Natural Theanine. According to Wikipedia, Theanine is an amino acid commonly found in the tea (infusions of Camellia sinensis) leaves of selected gardens, but otherwise rare in nature. Theanine stimulates our brain waves which is associated with the alertness or sharpness of the mind. Theanine (approximately 3 cups of tea) would stimulate this brain activity. Besides keeping one sharp, Natural Theanine has a number of remarkable advantages. The most obvious of these is helping to boost your attention span. If you find yourself feeling tired and losing focus during the day, a cup of tea with the right quantity of Natural Theanine is the right ingredient for you!

“Natural Theanine brings mental clarity that may help you think and plan better, even inspiring those little sparks that lead to great ideas” says Charles Green who has conducted a number of studies on this subject for the pioneering Lipton Institute of Tea. And that’s not all. Natural Theanine may actually enhance the human immune function.

Researchers at Lipton Tea Institute have developed a special blend made from young tea leaves that has high levels of Theanine. Thus, Lipton presents to you Lipton Yellow Label Tea, a high Theanine beverage that leaves you feeling relaxed yet alert! So, if you are looking for a way to stay sharp, it’s time for you to discover Lipton Yellow Label Tea.

Some of the benefits of Theanine are: -

• The chief advantage of Theanine is that it enhances learning and concentration. It supports your ability to recollect thoughts and maintain your focus on daily activities. This is why many scholars prefer to incorporate Tea with their work.
• Theanine increases the level of Dopamine in your body. Dopamine is a hormonal chemical that is released to provide relaxation and pleasure. It is commonly released in activities such as eating and sex.
• There is scientific evidence to support that regular intake of Theanine helps in losing weight.
• Theanine boosts the overall immunity of the system which supports in preventing the body from various diseases.
• Theanine provides stronger resistance against the development of cancer cells in our body. Research indicates that Theanine also supports in fighting cancer in existing patients by reducing cell destruction and various side-effects of cancer treatments.
• Theanine is beneficial for your heart as it reduces the cholesterol content in our blood. Thus, people who are susceptible to heart diseases can take advantage of this Natural wonder chemical.


  1. Bring India Glory

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  3. hi..nice blog you have here. Very informative. Now i know the secret of tea. I'll try that and hopefully boost my morning energy. thank you.
